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Web Design Tips

5 tips to create a great website that will attract customers for you

By April 15, 2020April 24th, 2020No Comments

Your website is the face of your business on the world wide web, and you have done website design to show everyone so that your business creates a lasting impression.

Not only that, you have to know your website thoroughly so you know the areas where it stands strong and how it can help generate business for you.

A good Website Design, SEO combined with great Digital Marketing efforts can create wonders for your business. However, it is always recommended to keep maintaining your website and generate relevant content at ensure traffic and engagement.

Let us now see the 5 tips to create a great website that will attract your audience

1. Create Great Content

If the content on your website is clear and focused that shows how well you know about your business. When you create content for your website always remember what you want to sell, how you wish to do that and who are your audience?

Before hiring content writers and paying them absurdly high create a content strategy considering the above points. Understand your audience well, analyse how they speak, what they read and where they live? This will give you an idea of what type of content will create engagement on your website.

Publish blogs at regular intervals. You need to keep your audience engaged on your website so as to maintain its authority over the web hence, it is essential to keep writing blogs that will interest your audience.

Yes, there are way too many Web Design tools available in the market and any newcomer can create an appealing website. But the soul of any website is the content.

2. Be Clear & Focused to your website visitors

You have great content on your website but it can be of no use if your audience finds it difficult to understand you will end up increasing the website bounce rate and that can hamper your standing on the web.

Visitor engagement on a website is very important. One of the factors in the calculation of page rank in Google algorithm is the trust and relevance of a particular website. If a visitor spends a considerable amount of time on your website, Google understands that visitor has found the relevant and trusted content that enables high page rank on Google SERP.

Drive your visitor to the information and website actions they are looking for. Your website should include different Call-to-Action (CTA) button & texts. Website Content should be such that it compels visitors to take desirable website action and you have to put these CTA’s at necessary points so that they attract visitors and are easily identifiable. This can eventually result in generation of Sale, Enquiry or a Request.

3. Make sure your website is Mobile Friendly

Smartphones have changed the game in Mobile technology and communication. Majority of the people across the globe use a smartphone every day. This means you can reach your audience anytime where ever they are if you have a mobile-friendly website.

People access most of the websites on their smartphone, interact and seek information then & there itself. Hence, it becomes necessary for every business to have a mobile-friendly website that is readily available on the fingertips of your audience.

Source: 4. Testimonials on website are important

Popularity and trust plays an important role in customer conversion and increase in sales. Hence, it becomes important to show it to your visitors how popular is your website is in the market.

User testimonials induce trust in website visitor and affect thinking positively. This makes it easier for them to take decisions in your favour. There are two types of testimonials viz. Text and Video, you can use both to instil confidence in your visitors and can easily convert them to be your customers.

One more point that arises is the authenticity of the testimonials. You can use authentic photo / video of client to display with testimonial or you can create case studies of the projects you have completed along with client testimonials that will work best.

5. Reachability across platforms

Reachability means how your website visitors can reach you or contact you. It is essential and important to display your business contact information at-least one time on your website. Contact Page works best!

It is also advisable to have a contact number mentioned on the website so the visitors can call you directly. Nowadays, the option of a chatbot (like on our website) is a great option. It serves as a means of instant communication with your website audience. People expect swift response and information, it serves the purpose just like that! Isn’t it amazing?

As a business, your online presence is incomplete without your social media presence. Social Media platforms are the online stage where people interact everyday, they share information, ideas, stories and all types of content viz. video, audio, images etc. As a business you can easily take part in such conversations and reach out to people and bring them to your website make them interested about your products or services, gain feedback from your users, share information about your business and acquire new customers. It has a lasting effect on the minds of customers when a brand recognises them on social media. It leaves a positive impression of your business. Therefore, your website should display your social media links so that customers can easily like, follow and subscribe you for updates and content which establishes connection between your business and the customer.

To conclude, the main objective of creating a website is to generate business and reach out to new potential customers. It becomes necessary for you that a visitor who visits your website also takes action like filling the inquiry form, request quote or just comments on your blog. If this is not happening then your website is unsuccessful in attracting visitors or your Target Audience. Hence, it is important to keep updating your website or get your website done from professionals.

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